About 49 South Antiques & Flea Market

With around 79 vendors, the market is robust and active. “We keep it very neat and clean to make everyone welcome, whether new vendors or repeat visitors. I think that’s a big part of our growth” she added.
Customers and visitors often comment that 49 South is friendly to all who enter. “One of the biggest payoffs to us has been the friends who stop by so often. Many come every week and are interested in how we are doing and the latest of our family news,” she noted. “Our business values have to do with fairness to all. We have great vendors who work hard to supply items at a fair price, and we view the sale of merchandise from 49 South as win/win for the customer and the vendor!”
When recalling a memory about the market, Judy grinned, “Probably the funniest story was seen on a local television station a few years ago. Rob Jay, a popular WLBT sportscaster came down with his cameraman because he heard we had a Rob Jay bobble head. Rob Jay is known for his humor and he confronted Charles about having such a low price on the Rob Jay Bobble head. Charles played along with the cameraman by shrugging his shoulders & replying we sell according to what the market will bear. Rob Jay appeared insulted and said “Charles, I’m coming back to get you!” all in fun.”
Whether you are a local friend, a traveler visiting our state, or looking for a prop for a movie, come on in…we’d love to get to meet you.
How to find us in Florence, Mississippi
FROM JACKSON: Just head south on 49 until you reach Florence. Then keep heading south about 3 miles. We're on the west side of the highway.
FROM THE SOUTH: Traveling from Hattisburg, head north and keep going until you reach Mendenhall. Keep driving north for 8 miles. Our store will be on the west side of the highway.